
Sunday, March 18, 2012


From the get-go, its been obvious that Avery looks very much like her sister, though she is of course much larger in size..This morning I dressed Avery in one of Addie's baby outfits and had a strong dose of nostalgia served to I had to look back at some old photos of Addie. Unfortunately I dont' have my oldest photos on my newer computers, and was too lazy to pull out the hard drive. The photos I found I pulled right off facebook. I found one of Addie in the outfit..and one that just showed her sweet little face and shows how similar she is to her sister!
Addie and Coleson..I think she was like 7 or 8 months here.

Addie at about 5 months
Avery at four months.
The sisters together..Addie sure dotes on Avery. She calls her 'booboos' and pays her lots of attention. She has even taken up diaper changing duty..!

1 comment:

  1. awww look at them. So cute ad tiny. and I love the sister picture. Both lovely ladies.


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