
Thursday, April 1, 2010

14 Months

Finn is fourteen months old today... man time flies by! He is continually a blessing in our lives, its hard to imagine that we functioned without him. We just love our busybody boy and his fun-loving personality. Its neat to watch him develop new words and skills daily; and I secretly like his slimy open-mouth kisses that he so generously gives!
For now he is a "Momma's Boy", and we will enjoy this stage as we know it will be short-lived. While I was away over the weekend, Daddy reported him calling and searching for me-and it was wonderful to be reunited! Today I snuck away again for work and Finn brought Grammy a family picture of us and was desperately pointing at me, "mama, mama!". He had to have the framed photo physically removed from him as he wanted to take it all around. Gosh I will be so sad when he too worships his wonderful, hardworking Daddy!


  1. awe cute! Time does fly! I love how a boy loves his wont go away. You'll always have a place with him-always!

  2. I love it! Finn looks so much older, his face is much more like a boy than baby now. Aaden is still in Mama obsession phase, it is so nice!

  3. Oh my gosh, it's like he has changed overnight! He looks so grown up! He is just the cutest lil guy :)


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