
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 270-274/365

Day 270/New sweatsuits. They were pretty stoked about our Costco spur of the moment splurge:)
Day 271/265 Busy Knitting

Day 272/School Open House. Checking out her new school, and pretty pleased she has a locker!! I hope she will love this new school though I know she will miss her kindergarten friends.

Day 273/First Day First Grade (more on this to come!!)
Day 274/Well-Visit. Avery had her 18 month well visit (sooo late considering she will be 22 months tomorrow!) and is the picture of health. They went ahead and measured her on the 2 year old chart since she is closer to two now than 18 months..She is a little off the charts at 37 inches tall, and in the 90% of weight at 30 lbs. The doctor said she really looks like a 3 year old..not really what you want to hear about your not-yet-two-year-old and last baby..I am thankful for her health.
This is the tearful face she forced when she recounted her "Owwy" experience to both brother and Dad..pretty funny considering the tears didn't last too long after her four injections were over...She's too funny

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