
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Avery at 21 Months..

 I had forgotten about these..I took her out for some photos on the day she turned 21 months. I had a shoot that I had bought this flower crown for and thought I should use it on Miss Ave too..She was so sweet, and definitely not wanting to be directed in any way, so I just followed her around the park and took pictures of her playing in the grasses. Hard to believe she will be 2 in about 6 weeks now! Where has the time gone?!
She continues to be our sweet baby, though she does enjoy stirring up trouble with her older siblings. She is talking up a storm, my favorite saying of hers right now is "What happened?".  I also love the she asks to have her nails painted, which she calls getting "pinked". She sure does memorize her books and recite her favorite lines as we read along (she does this with her favorite TV program 'Super Why' too {she calls it 'Supa High'}).
Daddy likes that Avery trusts him enough to run at him from the top of the staircase and take a big leap and know that he will catch her (she does this to me too and my back is not such a fan), and how delighted she is when you come and get her out of bed when she wakes in the morning. She is not slow to wake up at ALL.

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