
Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday Harbor Mini Vacay!

We took a quick weekend trip to Friday Harbor. We had our family photos done one evening by a San Juan Island local, and enjoyed a trip with just our own family even if just for a couple nights. I took quite a few photos..what's here they are!
The San Juan Island Ferry.

Its beautiful here(and I had lost my hood to my 24-70 and the flare without the hood is no bueno..I was quick to get a replacement after seeing the photos from this trip!).

The kids love staying in hotels...and getting access to real TV!

They shared a bed..too sweet.

Like I said..they were thrilled with the TV.

One last day in the Harbor.

(addison gilfillan photographer...she took the camera and barked out posing at us. she wanted a kissing picture!)

(can you spot the orca fin? we were privy to an orca encounter on this little beach as a pod of orcas passed through..amazing to see them in the wild)

In pursuit of a better view of the orcas

Exhausted and on the ferry home

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing photographer, Claire! And you make beautiful babies too!


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