
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 81-85/365

It has been a rough week around here with Daddy having the flu, and my not feeling 100%, thankfully we are finally on the other side it seems and we are playing catch up on all the things that have fallen behind, including the blog.
Day 81/ Finn was delighted to find Daddy had bought blueberries at the market. I found him helping himself and just tickled to the point of giggles. 
Day 82/Afternoon Read

Day 83/Fourth birthday..he shook the first gift and said "I think it's Legos!". (more birthday photos to come)
Day 84/Running off some energy in the fog

Day 85/Post-church lunch at Red Robin (the kids request, they call it Red Robin's). He was all smiles for his green salad, spaghetti and fries.


  1. I love the Birthday one! What a face! haha

  2. I adore these! My fave is surely the reaction to what could be inside that present!! Wonderful pictures. :)

  3. That expression is priceless!!! And the fog picture, I'm melting. Love them. Happy birthday to your little guy:)

  4. Love A's reflection in the mirror. & Finn's expression is priceless. We love legos here!


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