
Friday, September 23, 2011

Our little Cowgirl!

This little girl is changing so rapidly, its hard for us to believe. She is going to be 5 on Christmas Eve, which just blow my mind! She is SOO excited for baby sister to arrive and talks about her constantly. She has been watching birth videos on my phone in preparation for being at the birth. I think she will do just fine and it will be neat to have her with us if all goes as planned. 

Her newest interest of late is horses..almost an obsession. She'll always have a place in her heart for Shouka, but for now, her time and energy is learning about and looking at all things horses! She is so into the horse thing that she has worn her white cowgirl boots almost constantly for the past months until this week she managed to rip the front on both boots a was very upsetting to her and now she has asked for a new, bigger pair, in the color pink! 

 It cracks me up how quickly she can change her's a few frames that took place in less than 30 seconds..Silly Girl!

1 comment:

  1. Addie, you silly princess! Wonder if you can order those pink boots from the shop in Sisters for her. :)


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