
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer Eats!

Today somehow my kids ended up on different naptime schedules...and I had afternoon treats with each alone. Probably a good thing since we had one popsicle, and one ice cream sandwich only and Finn generally likes to have whatever his sister is having. We avoided treat jealousy, though I did miss my few hours of afternoon break/cleaning time.
Ice cream sandwiches are messy!
He asked for a plate a washcloth after finding out just how messy his treat was. I did not expect he would resort to eating it in this manner...but, hey whatever, it not like we had company!
Hey, why are you laughing at me Momma?
Tired out from his messy eating experience!
Even dinner was outdoors:)


  1. sweet treats and sweet kiddos! :)

  2. that Popsicle looks delicious and addie has the cutest 'play' clothes.

  3. I knew somebody would comment on that...she wears a lot of pink dresses as our girly girl dresses herself...right down to the pink sparkle belt around it.

  4. darling. My dresses himself little person likes sports shorts and shirts :) but thankfully I still dress him when we are heading out! lol :)

  5. Oh my your kiddos are the sweetest! Love that face on Finn in the 2nd pic of him! So excited for a treat :)


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