
Monday, April 15, 2013


Egg decorating happened..Finn and Addie did it all themselves and had such fun!

She so wanted to be in the thick of it..But she was quite happy to watch too. Very attentive this one.

Some photos in their Easter outfits.

This was just one of those times, her baby (clothing free baby, thats how she prefers her) just had to be in the picture, pick your battles right.

Easter Sunday we spent with Grammy and Grampy at our house. They had just returned from their Florida trip and it was good to catch up. We attended church, and the kids participated in an egg hunt at Mars Hill and returned to make dinner. It was such perfect weather out, sunny and 60's for a Pacific Northwest Easter, it truly was a gift. The Easter Bunny did visit us and was very generous with some candies, but we really focused on the true meaning of Easter with the kids. Just ask them about why we celebrate Easter! 

Addie and Finn started Spring Break the very next day after Easter and got to go home with we got a few hours at the end of the day to spend with just this one. Reminds me of our time when Addie was this age, it was always just the three of us!


  1. Great shots! It looks like the had a fun day.

  2. Thanks..although i am looking at them again now and realizing i posted a couple that are SOOC, as evident by the fluorescent color cast on Avery's face;( Bummer, I'm far too lazy to edit the post now.


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