
Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 59/365

"Outsighhh". She would like to go outside daily, even amidst a classic Pacific Northwest downpour!

A side note, baby has turned 14 months old yesterday and is just seeming so big, and  has just so much to say. It is lovely to hear her communicate more and more clearly: "go outside" , "boots", "boop" (as in I pooped, help me) "peepee" (i would like to try the big potty-we should get her a baby potty to make this easier on ourselves), "okay" , "me, me" (please pay attention to me!) and so many others new words and phrases..those are just a few of our favorites. She still does a lovely growl, and takes delight in reading books, especially those that have us making animal noises. All of her animal noises are a different rendition of her growl. The child is hilarious. And crazy. Watch this one like a hawk. She is fast, daring, and quite creative.
Thankfully she has a soft side to her and still loves a good snuggle, and spends time feeding and loving on her own baby dolls.  Okay, I'm done..just reflecting on another month that has passed too quickly!


  1. Such a smart little girl! I love the angle of the shoot, good job!

  2. Such a beautiful photo, Claire! My littlest is about 2 1/2 and I can still remember those days. He's talking so much more now, and it's still just as fun!

  3. I am with you. They sound so similar, too! love these 'babies'


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