
Saturday, January 7, 2012

8 Weeks!

Going to blog about Christmas...someday...but skipping ahead..! Little Avery hit 8 Weeks on Sunday. Hard to believe she is growing so quickly. She's had a nasty cold this week and sleeping has been less than fun for me with getting up every THREE hours during the night..but she still took time to share some playtime with her siblings and sweet smiles with her Momma. 

Blake and I are impressed with how she moves her little body around. She scoots herself forward even all swaddled up on her tummy. Addie too was surprised, and after watching her roll over..."Oh Avery, I don't think you're supposed to be doing that!" Mostly she is just our sweet, snuggly and flopsy little newborn, with an unfortunate wheezy cold that has her getting bulb suctioned frequently through the day. 


  1. She is just the most precious little thing! Makes me want to cuddle her right up!

  2. Such sweet, bright eyes even with her cold! Hope she's on the mend soon.


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