
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Finn at 19 Months!

Where has the time gone, and why is my baby so BIG! We are enjoying another period of language explosion, the sentences are forming, he's using inflection, he's an adult. Nobody would be too surprised I'm sure that one of his first sentences was "I want banana". I love that he still calls most things that go "the boats" (except for trucks which are "dumps").

This would be the "caught red-handed" face.
If ever you see this... prepared for this. Every afternoon (if we happen to be home) Finn practices his tackle, and is ready for his evening wrestling session with Dad.
I had to laugh at the remark the other day; "oh goodness, you've shrunk Blake!". He is looking so much like Dad these days.


  1. Happy 19 months! Seriously, where has the time gone! Holy smokes. Time to work on #3 ;) LOL and p.s. what a handsome boy.

  2. Such a sweet guy! Love all his faces, so grown up!


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