
Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

We had a wonderful Mother's Day. I have a wonderful family, couldn't ask for more. I felt very blessed, and very spoiled as they showered me with love and gifts.

We shared a lovely lunch on Alki (and a great big cinnamon roll!). It seems that everyone (and their mother-quite literally) were thinking the same as us...BEAUTIFUL Seattle weather...Alki beach! It was packed, but still very fun and relaxing, and just a bit of a traffic jam to get out of there.
Doesn't this remind you of the cat photo that gets put on mugs and t-shirts "bad hair day"? It makes me laugh and realize this boy needs a haircut once again!
He seriously did this unprompted...and then was quickly back to digging in the rocks and sand.
Yes, he loves the rocks and sand....
..and his Mama.
Finn just loved the beach and didn't mind the blinding sun one bit (except of course all of our pics are of him looking away as the sun was brilliant-70's in May is not too shabby for Seattle!)
Addie loved seeing all the boats/ferries on the water
The beach brings out Finn's inner Bryan Kest
Helping sister bury her feet...
...mission accomplished, feet are buried in sand.

1 comment:

  1. Claire: these pictures are so sweet! I absolutely love the pictre of Finns little jeans with his little hinny! I miss you guys so much! Hope you are enjoy the nice weather! Love ya, Brit


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