
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hungry Man

Finn daily boosts my self-esteem as a cook. He very enthusiastically says "mmmm" and "yummm" or "goood" after each bite until he has a full tank and reluctantly tells me "done". I love to watch him eat, though he doesn't like assistance, and make quite a mess (though he's getting pretty good with the utensils by now). I also must mention here that one of his new words is "snack". No surprise there!
In honor of Finn's birthday I spent a morning coffee break looking over his baby book. Many of the entries related to our boy's love of food, and his rapid growth (I hadn't remembered that at 4 months and 1 day he was 19 lbs-crazy!), so I thought this post was in order. Perhaps we have the next Tom Douglas on our hands...or maybe he's just following in Daddy's footsteps and will hold the Gwinn pudding-eating record in his day. Here are a couple pictures of my boy enjoying his cottage cheese:

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I suppose it could just be a "boy thing" as I feel like I was reading about my two. Sounded just like Coleson (although about opposite on the weight!) and Tate who already at 6 months eats like my 10 month old niece. I loved Coleson's grasp of utensils early, too! Tate has already caught onto the "mmm" with each bite and I often get a "this is amazing" from Coleson. I think that is just one of reasons why mamas and their boys relationships are just, special. =)


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