
Friday, November 27, 2009


This year we are thankful for many things, one of which is family. We had a smaller Thanksgiving than usual this year, but still had a lovely day and dinner. We had a lovely dinner with my parents, and then dessert with our family friends the Larsons. Unfortunately due to poor naptime planning, there are few family photos between what my dad and I got....but here are a few from our two cameras.

Addie and Grammy

Finn loved his first Thanksgiving dinner experience!

Bella knows just where to sit.

Grampy baked wonderful loves of bread

Mommy and Finn

A rare still moment...

Preparing the turkey


Walking all the time...

Yep, he even walked all over the Larsons

1 comment:

  1. I wanted that sweater romper so bad for Tate! They were out of his size though... cute on your little man :)


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