
Friday, July 17, 2009

Work Day

I have been working about 1-2 days a week this month, trying to keep my foot in the door just a bit. Its hard for me to tear myself away from my kids (especially Finn at his young age) and feel like I am bouncing between the busy working world and the joys of being at home with my little ones and keeping a home. I feel lucky to be at home most of the time and have a job that allows me to work whenever and however much I like.
We are also so very blessed to have my mom willing to babysit on my workdays, otherwise I would not be working at all. Addison loves her Grammy days and is especially joyful and energetic. She gave mom and I quite a laugh this morning while we were visiting over lattes. Addie had gone in to use the pot and had put socks on her hands and started clapping. She was saying over and over "I'm clapping"... only it didn't sound like I'm sounded like a verbal diary of what was happening in there. Only once I checked on her did I discover the socks and clapping and was ever so relieved that she hadn't in fact learned her first coarse word!

Spending a last couple minutes with my wiggly before work

Grammy time!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome that you have a job that allows you to work when you need (or want!) to. I bet it's pretty special for your mom to have some grand-baby time too.


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