
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Aunt Jacey came to Play!

We don't often get to spend time with my sister as she lives in Florida and works in Washington DC. Its a special treat when she flies to Seattle and comes in for a visit. Yesterday morning Addie was overjoyed to wake up and find that Jacey was in our living room having coffee. She has been attached at the hip ever since, even making poor Jacey accompany her to the bathroom.
Yesterday we went to the zoo with Grammy and Jacey, came home for naps and dinner and then Addison and Jacey made cookies and had a dance party in our living room. Miss Addie likes her Michael Jackson and is quite the life of the party!

Baking Cookies (and some batter eating)
Waiting for Instructions
Our Cook
My Sister and I

1 comment:

  1. fun, glad you get some sister time. (I love your mixing bowl too!)


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