
Friday, July 20, 2012

Eight Months!

Yes..these photos were taken on the night of the previous post. However, it happened to be her eight month birthday that night, and I knew I probably wouldn't be doing a shoot devoted to her eight month birthday..

At Eight Months:

She is doing a beginner "proper" crawl and is getting her little hands into everything
Pulls to stand and does some slow cruising ( and just today we saw her first couple of independent steps, oy)
Says "dada" (so cute, especially when she says it in response to his voice on the phone)
Has 7 teeth (soon to be more!)
Is a crowd pleaser..still can't take her anywhere without almost every person we pass stopping to goo goo over how sweet she is (seriously, even teenage boys)
Waves bye bye (that actually I think may have been a 7 month milestone she hit, but I can't remember if I included it
Is about 20 lbs...and VERY tall for a girl her age..I went on a little shopping spree getting some 18 month clothes and jammies for this little princess. 

Mommy loves you just as you are..I love watching you grow up, but please don't make it go too fast!


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