
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Three Years OLD!

Yes, its true, our little boy is THREE! In so many ways it feels like he was just born..alas, he is growing up fast!

Some highlights from the past year:
May: We told Finn he would soon be a big brother, and he asked to be called just that. We called him "big brother" much of the time from there on out.
June: He was ringbearer for auntie Brittney's wedding. 
June: Finn and Addie started sharing a room. We moved his little toddler bed out of the nursery to prepare for Avery's arrival since we didn't want to give up our guest room downstairs.
July: Finn was pottytrained (thanks again Addie!)
September: Finn started preschool and loved it
November: Finn became a big brother to Avery and adjusted immediately to his new role, he was more than ready to give up his spot as 'baby'.

He has continued to be a very conversational and outgoing young man. He loves playdates and his friends. He will often ask me if his friends can come to play..and loves telling stories about what goes on at school, etc. He has a very active imagination as well. He loves to get dressed in his 'fire boots', grab his pretend keys and tell me "goodbye Mom, I'm on my way to the firestation, I'll drive my firetruck, not your car..see you later". This was before he got a new firetruck and fireman outfit for his we take the pretend to a whole new level!
 He still loves his doggie and snuggles with him for naps and bedtime..though he has a special frog and monkey as well.

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