
Monday, March 14, 2011

Our Weekend at Grammy's

This past week has been one horribly rainy day after another...and this past weekend was more of the same. After being rained out of photoshoots all week, it came as no surprise when my weekend appointments went the same way. We made the most of it by heading to Whidbey for a visit to Grammy's house.

Nothing better than watching 'Up' with Grampy on a rainy day.
Grammy and I got some seeds started while Daddy worked in Grampy's woodshop.
We did have a small clearing in rain...and took advantage of it by doing some model photos for some clothing and hair accessories that I am photographing. She is a very agreeable model I must say!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Claire! I've ALWAYS thought Addison was pretty, adorable, cute beyond words...but she's a positively breath-taking little beauty in these shots. It's been too long since I've seen her in person! Such a little love.


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