
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Day in the Life.

I frequently get questioned about my very minimal working. People often present the question of "what DO you do all day?". I can they picture me at home, feet up in a juicy tracksuit, hot cup of coffee in hand as the kids quietly play and look after themselves.
Now i'll admit, being at home is quite the treat, and my weekly day at work serves to remind me of how blessed I am to spend my days caring for my two kids. However, I do manage to be busy ALL day long.
Today we had our play date cancelled due to illness (not ours) and had a rare unscheduled day, which seemed the perfect opportunity to share a day in our life at home.
7am- Addie wakes me with her usual "where's Daddy?". He is of course at work and we head down to coffee/breakfast.I am delighted to find that Blake has made coffee for me.
8am- Finn is up and needs to be served his breakfast...and then be hosed down. Addie says he looks like Santa Claus when he eats his yogurt. I clean the kitchen, clean and dress two kids.

9:15 am Finn starts his nap, and Addie and I clean the upstairs.
9:45 Jillian Michaels gives Addie and I our 30 minute circuit training workout
10:30-11:00 Mommy gets ready
11:00 Addie requests her lunch
11:15 Finn wakes and wants to read, then requests his lunch and I have mine too.
12:00 I pack kid snacks, make two vanilla lattes and head to Blake's office for his break.
1pm Errands of the mundane sort and the Father's Day prep sort.
2pm Kids want to play at the park.
3pm Two kids down for naps, I make a cup of coffee...start laundry, put away groceries and plan our dinner.
4pm Start dinner and am soon joined by my Finn who has taken a very abbreviated nap and is needing a "snack snack", and then once again, needs to be hosed down afterward.
5pm Addie's up, I let them play in the yard and I take a little break on the back porch whilst I watch.
5:15 I am reminded of why I can't easily work in my garden with Finny and I send my daily text to Blake requesting an ETA
5:30-6 A quick run in the sun
6 pm Finishing touches on dinner (zucchini lasagna, braised bok choy and green salad).
6:15 Daddy is home!
6:45 Hose Finny down again, clean kitchen again. Finn successfully uses the potty for the first time, and as I clap for his success, he sneaks his hand into the potty to splash in his success. Hose Finny down again!
7 pm Jammy's and stories into bed for the kids and more laundry
7:30 Clean
7:45 Time to put the feet up and catch up the blog...and get ready to do it all again tomorrow.


  1. And looking great while doing it :) All in a day's work. and sounds like it was a "light day" today. as in not deep cleaning/only a little laundry/no costco/no appointments...etc...etc ;) ha! way to go mama!

  2. I love this post Claire! Normalizes the craziness of being home! And the potty, what a big boy! :-) Addie looks like a teenager in the swing picture...she's getting so old!

  3. Who in the world asked you what you do all day? Obviously someone without kids ;) Love this! You're such a good Mama!!

  4. Oh Shawna, a lot of people. If you're not making a paycheck, what could you be doing else thats busy or important, right?
    Sarah, we are NOT pottytraining...just something thats happened where he's wanted to use it a few times now. However I think he's too young for pottytraining and am not encouraging anything...just will let him use it when he asks.


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