
Monday, May 19, 2014

Project 365, Take Two

Yes, I need a little push to get out my big-girl camera. I love my iPhone, but I really want to be capturing my kids in the everyday moments with the nikon..and turns out I need a little push! SO here we go again.. Project 365, take two!
Day 1/365 In her tutu, she thinks it makes her look like a flower. I just think she's beautiful. Avery decided a couple weeks ago that it was time to potty-train..and she nailed it. She is wearing the big-girl panties full-time and I am so thankful to be done with the diapers. It's a little crazy to think that we are out of the diapers phase for good..but, here we are.
She turned 2 1/2 last week as well, and I just can't believe how quickly time has passed. She is just a blessing and such a happy, but feisty little princess. 
Ya-ya's. I don't know what 'ya-ya' is..but it's a game that only Avery and Finn play, and only with each other. It seems to be there own make-believe game, and they call it ya-ya, and they call each other ya-ya while they play it. It's kind of adorable. I love to see them be such good buddies (most of the time).


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