Easter weekend was fun and relaxing for all. We had gorgeous weather for our Saturday...and not so good for Easter Sunday. This year we loved to hear Addie tell the Easter story with the accompanying pictures that she made of the cross and the rolled away stone. We don't really focus much on the Easter bunny, but we did do some fun Easter activities with the kids! I'll admit I have found myself a little camera-weary lately (it is work) and the weather didn't inspire me too much, so there aren't many pics (I didn't even get a pic with Grammy and Grampy!) but here are a few that we did get from the weekend.
Addie and her preschool Easter goodies.
Saturday late evening activity: Egg dying...Finn was fascinated, but was far too in love with his chinese cabbage salad to participate. I think he had like 3 helpings of dinner!
Easter morning started with Easter baskets!
Finn didn't wake up until nearly 9, so his basket opening was a little later! I guess the too excited to sleep on Easter morning kicks in later..Addie was up a bright and early 7:30!
Grammy arrived with special cinnamon rolls. Nobody could believe how many little Addie ate!
Trying out the bubble machines from the Easter baskets. Unfortunately the weather was such that coats and boots were required...taking away from the cute Easter-wear! Oh well!
A family pic.
Patiently waiting while Grampy and Daddy hid the eggs for the hunt in the backyard.
Though recovering from her very first ear infection, Addie was more than happy to take a quick overnight trip to Grammy's. We were pleased to have some sun on our Sunday...!
Finn enjoyed getting to borrow Grandpa's big guitar this weekend. His interest in the guitar is not waning one bit! Every day he gets out his little guitar at home and plays and plays. Often he will get out his second little guitar and as his sister or someone else to play with him...he calls this "Jammin". We love our little music man!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Poor Addie is quite under the weather...and on such a pretty day! I didn't want to leave her alone on the couch for too long...but Finn just needed to run off some energy in the sunshine...and then here he is asking over, and over and over and over..."get my bike out?"...unfortunately there just wasn't enough time to be outside for our little guy!