
Monday, July 26, 2010

Over the past week...

...we've managed to keep busy, and capture a few moments on camera!

Finn is still obsessed with Elmo following our plane trip...
We watched ducks at Country Village...
...and finally got haircuts.
Took a train ride at Country Village.
The new haircut.
They've done LOTS of bubbles!
We've played at parks...
They are growing too fast!


  1. We have been doing lots of bubbles too :) what is country village?

  2. Love Country Village! We hit up Village Bean once a week, haha!
    Addie is so beautiful!!

  3. The Bothell Country Village is just an old-fashioned shopping area. It has some fun stores and a really great kids play area complete with that train, a duck pond and a big boat to play in (and yes, Village Bean coffee is good for the Mama's).


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