Yep, hard to believe even for me that we have begun the final trimester with our little girl! This week we had our midwife as well as perinatal appointments, looks like all is well..though the perinatologist had to do his own ultrasound on me today as the tech was shocked at how big she seems...hard to believe that she could be big when all my others have been so tiny! Oh well, I guess she's nearly 3 lbs (though we are fully aware of the limitations of US measurements and the margin for error there), and I'm glad to know that she's growing since I have been asked more then once if I've checked into the possibility that I could be carrying twins. I have to wonder who made it socially acceptable to comment on a pregnant woman's belly when you don't even know her, because EVERYONE seems to have an opinion on how you look.
I do feel like the medication I am taking is helping with my contractions; it has been an interesting endeavor having Blake learn to administer the IM injections...he is most definitely and engineer!
We are excited for our upcoming family/Maternity portraits with Sara Parson's, but decided to mark the beginning of the 3rd trimester with some photos by Daddy.
27 Weeks